Maintenance monitoring
KontrolON detects machine breakdowns, enabling you to avoid suspension of production activities and unexpected delays. Accessing a special panel you can check, even in the app, if there are any idle machines or outstanding maintenance, consult records showing all the executed/ongoing/due activities and verify their costs.
If too much time has passed since the last intervention, you can schedule a new one in order to avoid potential breakdowns. Poor maintenance programming entails unregistered costs that affect the bottom line.
KontrolON allows you to avoid this all and to manage your maintenance in record time in order to simplify and safeguard your control activities.

Sectors we address
These are the sectors where we have most expertise, both in Italy and abroad. However, KontrolON can be used at any industrial plant
If your sector is different from those described and you would like to get additional information, please, fill in our form.